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Working Days Montserrat 2023

2023 is a common year that has 365 days in total. Montserrat has 105 weekend days, 12 public holidays, and 248 working days.

Three public holidays fall on weekends and are observed on the following weekdays, please check holidays here.

Month Workday Weekend Holiday Total
January 1-31 21 9 1 31
February 1-28 20 8 0 28
March 1-31 22 8 1 31
April 1-30 18 10 2 30
May 1-31 20 8 3 31
June 1-30 21 8 1 30
July 1-31 21 10 0 31
August 1-31 22 8 1 31
September 1-30 21 9 0 30
October 1-31 22 9 0 31
November 1-30 22 8 0 30
December 1-31 18 (+1)* 10 3 (-1)* 31
Total 248 (+1)* 105 12 (-1)* 365

* Festival Day is observed on December 31, 2022, and it is Sunday.

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