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Tens, Hundreds, Thousands and Millions in French

Numbers are written in the same way in mathematics like 1, 2, 3…., however, the writing and pronunciation of the numbers vary in different languages.

In this article, you will find out how to write numbers of ones, tens, hundreds, thousands and millions in French.

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0 to 19 (zero to nineteen)

Number French Number French
0 zéro 10 dix
1 un 11 onze
2 deux 12 douze
3 trois 13 treize
4 quatre 14 quatorze
5 cinq 15 quinze
6 six 16 seize
7 sept 17 dix-sept
8 huit 18 dix-huit
9 neuf 19 dix-neuf

10 to 900 (tens and hundreds)

10 dix 100 cent
20 vingt 200 deux cents
30 trente 300 trois cents
40 quarante 400 quatre cents
50 cinquante 500 cinq cents
60 soixante 600 six cents
70 soixante-dix 700 sept cents
80 quatre-vingts 800 huit cents
90 quatre-vingt-dix 900 neuf cents

1,000 to 100,000,000 (thousands and millions)

1,000 mille 10,000 dix mille
2,000 deux mille 50,000 cinquante mille
3,000 trois mille 100,000 cent mille
4,000 quatre mille 500,000 cinq cent mille
5,000 cinq mille 1,000,000 un million
6,000 six mille 5,000,000 cinq millions
7,000 sept mille 10,000,000 dix millions
8,000 huit mille 50,000,000 cinquante millions
9,000 neuf mille 100,000,000 cent millions
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