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How to Sum Positive Numbers

Positive numbers are greater than zero, such as five, fifteen etc. You can use the SUMIF function to have the sum of the positive numbers, or check here for negative numbers.

Example: You are working with a worksheet with the product in column A, the amount in column B, and the profit in column C.

Question : What is the Total of the Positive Numbers in Column C?


The result returns $656.52. There are three positive numbers in column C: $23, $576.74, and $56.78.

You can add up numbers in one column if a corresponding cell in another column is a positive number.

Question: What is the Total in Column B if the corresponding cells in Column C are Positive Numbers?


The result returns 1,688. There are three positive numbers in column C, and the corresponding cells in column B are 800, 588 and 300.


The SUMIF function summarize the number of cells that meet one criterion, and ">0" filters the numbers greater than zero. The quotation marks are necessary for the formula.

Notes: The SUMIF Function

The SUMIF function is to sum the values in a range that meet criteria that you specify.


=SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range])


– Range is required; the range of cells that you want evaluated by criteria.
– Criteria is required; the criteria that defines which cells will be added.

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