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How to Use MIN Function

In statistics, a minimum is the smallest number in the data sample. For example: What is the minimum in the data sample: 10, 3, 5, 7, 9, 14, 103. To calculate the minimum value, you need to sort the data sample in order from smallest to largest: 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 14, 103, and the smallest number returns 3.

In Excel, you can use the MIN function to find the smallest number in a set of numbers.


= MIN(number1, [number2], …)


– Number 1 is required;

– [number2] … numbers other than the first are optional.


– When a cell contains errors or information that can not be translated into numbers, the MIN function may return to errors.

– The text information representing numbers that you type in will be counted, however, blank cells or cells with text values are ignored.

Example 1: What is the minimum income in column C?

= MIN(C2:C9) The minimum income is $53,308.

In this example, cell C6 is ignored because it is a blank cell. Cell C8 is also ignored because this cell contains text information (NA).

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