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How to Use FIXED Function

The FIXED function returns numbers as text with the specified number of decimals.


=FIXED(number, [decimals], [no_commas])


The Number is required, the number that you need to convert to text with rounded decimals;

[decimals] is optional, the number of decimals you need to round.

– When it is positive, the number is rounded to the right of the decimal point.

– When it is negative, the number is rounded to the left of the decimal point.

– When it is omitted, the default number of decimals is 2.

[no_commas] is optional.

– When it is false or omitted, the rounded text includes a comma as a separator.

– When it is true, the rounded text will not include a comma as a separator.


The major difference between the FIXED function and the command on the Home tab is that the Fixed function converts a number to text, while numbers formatted with Cell command are still numbers.

Example 1: When [decimals] is positive, the number is rounded to the right of the decimal point.

= FIXED(A2,1)

Number 79525.562 is rounded to 79,525.6 with one digit on the right of the decimal point.

Example 2: When [decimals] is negative, the number is rounded to left of the decimal point.

= FIXED(A3,-1)

Number 79525.562 is rounded to 79,530, one digit to the left of the decimal point.

Example 3: When [no_commas] is FALSE or omitted, the returned text includes commas; when it s true, the returned text does not include comma.

= FIXED(A4, -1, TRUE)

When [no_comma] is true, the returned text does not include a comma, so number 79525.562 is rounded to 79530.

Example 4: When [decimals] is omitted, the default number of decimals is 2.


When [decimals] is omitted, the default number of decimals is 2, so the number 79525.562 is rounded to 79525.56.

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