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How to Use FIND Function

The FIND function can find the starting position of a text string from another text string.

The Find function is case sensitive, so upper case letter "A" is different from the lower case letter "a".


=FIND(find_text, within_text, [start_num])


Find_text is required, which is the text you need to find;

Within_text is required, which is the text string that contains the text you need to find.

[Start_num] is optional, which specifies the start searching point. When it is omitted, the default start searching point is the first character of the string.


– The FIND function is designed for use with languages that use the single-byte character set (SBCS), and always counts each character like 1, either single-byte or double-byte;

– The FIND function is case sensitive;

– The Wildcard character is not allowed with FIND function.



The result returns to the position of the first letter "o", which is 2.


The result returns to the position of the letter "o" when searching from the 3rd letter, which is 6 because of the first "o" is ignored when counting from the 3rd letter.


The result returns to the position of the first letter of word "FIND", which is 12.

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