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How to Re-order X Axis in a Chart

to Reverse X Axisto Sort Alphabetical Order

1. To reverse X Axis:

Step 1: Right-click on X Axis, then click "Format Axis" in the dialog box;

Step 2: In the "Format Axis" window, check the box "Categories in reverse order";

Step 3: You will find the X-Axis is now reversed. At the same, the Y-Axis also moved to the right side;

Step 4: To move the Y Axis back to the left, right-click the Y Axis, and change the Label Position from "High" to "Low" in the "Format Axis".

2. To Sort Alphabetical Order:

Step 1: To sort X Axis alphabetically, the quick way is to sort the table. For example, to make a column chart with the table below.

Step 2: Sort data table alphabetically from Z to A, the X-Axis is also sorted.

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