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Hazrat Ali Jayanti

Hazrat Ali Jayanti is a regional holiday in the state of Uttar Pradesh, and it is observed on the 13th day of Rajab in the Islamic calendar each year.

Hazrat Ali Jayanti is to honour the birth anniversary of Ali ibn Abu Talib, who was born on September 15, 601. He was the son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad. Ali is important to both Shias and Sunnis, and he was regarded as the first Iman by the Shia Muslims.

The following is the list of Hazrat Ali Jayanti from 2022 to 2026.

Hazrat Ali JayantiFeb 15, 2022Tuesday
Hazrat Ali JayantiFeb 05, 2023Sunday
Hazrat Ali JayantiJan 25, 2024Thursday
Hazrat Ali JayantiJan 14, 2025Tuesday
Hazrat Ali JayantiJan 03, 2026Saturday
Hazrat Ali JayantiDec 23, 2026Wednesday
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