If you have the number of days and wonder what would be the years and months, you can use the following formula:
=DATEDIF(0,A2,"y")&" years " &DATEDIF(0,A2,"ym")&" months "&DATEDIF(0,A2,"md")&" days"
Where A2 is the cell with the number of days.
- DATEDIF(0,A2,"y") returns the number of years;
- DATEDIF(0,A2,"ym") returns the number of months; and
- DATEDIF(0,A2,"md") returns the number of days.
When the number of years, months or days returns 1, the above formula returns 1 years (or months, days) and that is grammarly not correct. Please use the IF Function to change from plural to singular.
=DATEDIF(0,A2, "y") & IF(DATEDIF(0,A2, "y")=1, " year ", " years ") &DATEDIF(0,A2,"ym") & IF(DATEDIF(0,A2, "ym")=1, " month ", " months ") & DATEDIF(0,A2, "md") & IF(DATEDIF(0,A2, "md")=1, " day"," days")