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The 24 Solar Terms in China

The 24 solar terms are the products of ancient farming civilization with long history. In ancient China, people learned how to use the positions of the Big Dipper to guide the farming activities, and some of the 24 solar terms can track back over 3,000 years ago.

The current 24 solar terms were developed based on earth's movement around the sun over 300 years ago. They divided the circle of the annual motion of the Sun into 24 equal segments with 15 degree each. Each segment was called a solar term or "jie qi" (节气)in Chinese.

The 24 solar terms are important signs of the seasonal changes, and very important in agriculture. Chinese farmers arranged their farming according to these solar terms.

Date *
Spring Commences立春315°Feb 4/5spring begins
Spring Showers雨水330°Feb 19/20more rain than snow
Insects Waken惊蛰345°Mar 5/6hibernating insects awaken
Vernal Equinox春分Mar 20/21spring center
Bright and Clear清明15°Apr 4/5clear and bright
Corn Rain谷雨30°Apr 20/21wheat rain
Summer Commences立夏45°May 5/6summer begins
Corn Forms小满60°May 21/22creatures plenish
Corn on Ear芒种75°Jun 5/6seeding millet
Summer Solstice夏至90°Jun 21/22summer maximum
Moderate Heat小暑105°Jul 7/8a bit sweltering
Great Heat大暑120°Jul 23/24most sweltering
Autumn Commences立秋135°Aug 7/8autumn begins
End of Heat处暑150°Aug 23/24heat withdraws
White Dew白露165°Sep 7/8dews
Autumnal Equinox秋分180°Sep 23/24autumn center
Cold Dew寒露195°Oct 7/8cold dews
Frost霜降210°Oct 23/24frost
Winter Commences立冬225°Nov 7/8winter begins
Light Snow小雪240°Nov 22/23snows a bit
Heavy Snow大雪255°Dec 7/8snows a lot
Winter Solstice冬至270°Dec 21/22winter maximum
Moderate Cold小寒285°Jan 5/6a bit frigid
Severe Cold大寒300°Jan 20/21most frigid

* Dates vary within a ±1 day range from year to year.

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